Month: March 2015

It’s finally Friday!  Hopefully you have fun things planned with family and friends, but make sure to take the time to make time for yourself.  No one else will do it for you!

Every neighborhood needs a great lady who:

Shows up to a backyard BBQ in pearls and pumps and makes it look great.

Dances in her kitchen even though the neighbors can see in the window.

Remembers to bake a birthday cake for every kid in the neighborhood.

Sings “I Want to Dance With Someone” at the top of her lungs.

Isn’t afraid to mow the lawn.  But only every now and then.

Always has the fixings for an impromptu cocktail hour.

Waves hello every time she sees you.

Is charming.  And witty.  And kind.


Whether you like classic and simple or eye-popping and sparkly, make tomorrow’s outfit a stellar one with some fabulous jewels.  After all, life is a party.  You better be dressed for it!

This necklace is amazing- it pairs well with brights and neutrals, and you can wear it any time of year.  Try pairing it with a plaid flannel shirt for fun mix of Back Woods and city chic!


(found on

If simple and elegant are more your look, try layering some necklaces of slightly different styles to create a subtle yet interesting mix of accessories.


(found on

Spring isn’t just for the outdoors!  Bring the colors and energy of the season into your home by reupholstering a piece of furniture.  Whether the piece is from a flea market or your own house, furniture upholstery is a fun way to alter the vibe of a room without changing the entire room.  Better yet, it’s a great way to put your creativity to the test and take a small risk by experimenting with different textures, colors, and patterns.  Below are a few ideas and images to get your creative juices flowing.

The Venus Love Seat is from Maine Cottage Furniture, a delightful company that focuses on bright colors and fun patterns.  My parents own one, and it has been re-incarnated numerous times, in everything from goldenrod to mint green.

me cottage

Anthropologie also makes a divine little settee.  Notice how the elegant curve of the back and arms is carried into the curvature of legs.  What a charming piece in a foyer or small reading corner!


And finally, who doesn’t want an antique chair upholstered in bubblegum pink?!  The pink velvet gives this classic chair a hip vibe that will look great in any interior, whether modern, classic, or shabby to chic.


Give it a shot.

Start with an ottoman, have it re-upholstered in a fun fabric, and I promise it’ll change your life.

Or at least the look of the room.

*(Don’t forget that rearranging the furniture on a monthly basis is an absolute must.)

Spring, is that you?

What better way is there to spend a glorious Tuesday afternoon, than in the park with a yummy dinner and a good book?  Today I found myself doing just that, and it was marvelous!  Winter in the Upper Midwest tends to be longer and colder than you can imagine, and with today’s 60 degree temperature, everyone was out and about.  Young and old, new friends, old friends, children on bicycles, dogs eagerly sniffing the smells of spring.  While another snow storm is possible (it is only March, after all), everyone seems to be taking advantage of the sun and the fresh air  I love this time of year, and as witnessed today, so does everyone else.