
Salad? Yes please!

It started several weeks ago, and I have no idea why.  I simply woke up one Monday morning and decided that I was going on what has become known as my ‘salad diet’.  Before you roll your eyes and think “Ugh, another post about dieting”, keep reading.  Because when I say salad, I don’t mean plain lettuce or mixed greens, I mean something more exciting.  Something of your own creation.  Something with fruit.  And veggies. And protein.  Maybe some pine nuts or sliced almonds.  I didn’t start the ‘diet’ in an effort to lose weight, I started it as a way to ensure that I consume fruits and vegetables in a fun and creative way.  As I established my plan for eating lots of greens, I discovered several key things:

  1. Always add protein.  Fish, chicken, a hard-boiled egg…something that helps fill you up.  Buy a rotisserie chicken and you’ll have protein for several meals!

  2. Build up a pep squad; having a group of cheerleaders isn’t just for sporting events.  As coworkers noticed that I was eating a lot of salad, it actually inspired them to do the same.  Now there is a group of us, and we help hold one another accountable.  That in itself is priceless.

  3. Pay attention to fresh foods that are on sale at your local supermarket.  There’s usually something different every few days, which helps you vary what you add to each salad.

  4. I’ll be honest.  After several weeks of eating salads, I was beginning to falter.  Nevertheless, I ran to the store to pick up a fresh batch of greens, and when I got to the register, the cashier (she is now my favorite cashier) pointed out that they were buy get one free. Boom. Right then and there I realized that I was meant to keep it up. So pay attention to the small things that will help you stick to your healthy eating.

  5. And finally, don’t become obsessed, because it’s no fun for you or for those around you.  I stick to salads Monday through Friday only, and eat whatever I want on the weekend (stick to a proper serving size, mind you).

So go for it.  Eat some salad.  Throw on some blueberries and chicken. Enjoy the fact that it’s summer and it’s easy to buy fresh, local produce.

And trust me.  Your waistline will thank you.


~ C